SYNERGISTIC BODYWORK should be viewed as a whole program, more than a single session. Synergistic Bodywork integrates modalities; Massage & Myofascial Release, CranioSacral Therapy, Acupressure, and Reiki Healing through the use of intuitive interpretation for each unique individual.
In combination with veterinarians, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, dentists, and farriers, Synergistic Bodywork can enhance the benefits of traditional treatments. A group of core people coming together with the same intention of creating Health and Vitality. Restoring Inner Balance for complete Well Being within the horse, thereby increasing performance through improved posture, biomechanical movement and structural integrity.
Bodywork Benefits
Improved Athletic Performance
Improved Flexibility & Range of Motion
Improved healing of injuries by increasing blood flow to all parts of the body, releasing toxins along with endorphins-the body’s painkillers
Prevents atrophy of muscles not in use
Stress reduction, resulting in relaxation
Increased overall Wellbeing & Improved Healing
Through careful observation of movement and intuitive interpretation, problem areas will be identified and targeted. Most individualized programs involve 2-4 Full Bodywork sessions that includes educational information for the owner to teach how to maintain the improvements.
Travel fee is additional depending on distance from Barb’s location. Travel fee is .50 per mile from Brooklyn, WI.
24 Hour Cancellation policy. 24 hour notification is required for cancellation or full payment is due. Any canceled appointments without 24 Hour notice will become a Distance Session in lieu of an in person and regular fee is due. If you are unable to make your appointment a distant session may be scheduled in place of an in-person.
Horse Management
Each category is of equal importance, each building and supporting each other. As the owner, maintaining and supporting your horse in these areas can bring health, wellness and optimum performance. Without each one to support the other you will not have the performance, health, and vitality from your horse that you may require.
Proper vitamins and holistic supplements are necessary for the balance in the body of hormones, endocrine system, and digestion system which in turn supports the other systems; respiratory, circulatory, metabolic, lymphatic, and central nervous system. An improper balance shows up in all Four Bodies-Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, & Physical.
Are you asking your horse to be 100% without the very basic nutrition to meet the requirements necessary to support his body in performance.
Our horses are not living a natural life in their natural state. We try to do our best with the options available to us. The environment they live in may not be supporting a horse’s needs. This could be to much stall time with limited pasture turn out, or not enough room to move or overcrowding. A flat terrain or footing is also not optimum. This will affect the physical body but also creates stress in the Spiritual, Mental & Emotional body. We are spiritual beings living a physical experience, by addressing the environment of the horse and supporting the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual well being, you will see positive changes in the Physical body. The environment includes the management of the pasture that may make up the majority of the horse’s nutrition. The environment also dictates to a large part what kind of condition the hooves are in. The conditions of the ground, the terrain and how much freedom to move and play, how large an area to move around in; all have an important impact on the feet and body of the horse.
Proper movement in a proper environment with proper nutrition will create a balanced hoof. Using a knowledgeable farrier will keep the hoof balanced when taking into consideration conformation, discipline the horse is used for, and related injuries or trauma to the hoof or body which will create compensations in the balance of the foot.
The muscles of the horse will adapt to the feet, the way the horse is used, or acute or chronic injuries. The muscles support the skeletal system which dictates the posture of the horse. Keeping a balanced hoof for the unique needs of the individual horse will support the rest of the body.
I advocate a natural balance barefoot trim but not all horses can go barefoot. Our horses are not in a natural state with natural movement or natural diet. They are being used in disciplines that aren’t part of their nature, living in environments that do not support a natural state of being. Conformation and conditions may require specialized shoes to continue using the horse in a way that is not his natural state.
A good equine dentist can give a better explanation of the role of proper dental care plays in the health and balance of the horse. The effects of an unbalanced mouth, which may include hooks, ramps, overbite or under bite, can effect the balance of the horse through the TMJ, atlas and occipital. These three areas are part of the balancing center of the horses body (see Dr. Renee Tucker’s book) along with the cranial nerves effecting the CranioSacral system. It affects how they eat and digest, how they age with loss of teeth, and the ability to perform as they are asked to do.
Each discipline has it’s own particular requirements on the use of the horses body and mind. Creating mental and emotional stress from competition, trailering, travel, new stalls, pasture and herd situations. Physical demands from disciplines that might not use the body in the best biomechanical movement. Trainers or riders through lack of knowledge or experience that sometimes doesn’t benefit the horses needs. How the horse is used and trained greatly affects the Four bodies of the horse. A good trainer or instructor will match the horse with the proper discipline and with the rider.
Tack & Saddle fit
Even with the other steps taken using the wrong tack or ill fitting saddle will have a chain effect on the entire horse. Horses carry the majority of weight in the place we sit to ride, adding our weight to this area and then not riding in a balanced neutral seat or in an ill fitting saddle will only create more physical, mental & emotional stress. This is especially true if the horse has not been conditioned or strengthened riding muscles to properly support a rider. Proper saddle fit needs to be done with someone who understands the horses needs and the way the horse will be used according to the discipline.
SYNERGISTIC BODYWORK looks at the whole horse, taking into consideration all 6 areas of horse management and what role they play in the well being of the horse. Resources and support are offered with information on how this may be effecting your horse’s mental, emotional, spiritual and physical state and how to bring balance with the modalities Synergistic Bodywork has to offer. In conjunction with veterinarians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, equine dentists and farriers to maintain and bring more vitality to the horses over all health and well being.